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Waves and Wave-Based Imaging in Virtual and experimental Environments

Workshop 1: Highland Retreat

The first WAVES workshop has been held in Pitlochry, Scotland, on 17-21 September 2015.

It served to form "Research Venturing Teams" who worked up new research ideas into firm plans and began the research during the workshop. You can find the record of all brainstorming ideas here.

The schedule includes seven relatively long lectures from WAVES scientists and guests, and shorter presentations illustrating the available experimental facilities. Much time was devoted to open discussion.


Some pictures of the Workshop

Traductions :

    Key Facts

    • Coordinated by Université Pierre et Marie Curie
    • 15 participating partners
    • 6 European countries and the USA
    • 15 trained fellows
    • Project budget: 3 227 952.96€
    • Project duration: 4 years
    • WAVES is a European project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Slodowska-Curie grant agreement n° 641943.



    Lapo Boschi (lapo.boschi @ upmc.fr)


    Project Manager

    Fanny Schultz (fanny.schultz @ sorbonne-universite.fr)