Workshop 4 - Passive Imaging and monitoring in wave physics: from seismology to ultrasound

Workshop 4 “Passive Imaging and monitoring in wave physics: from seismology to ultrasound”, organized by CNRS, was held in Cargèse (Corsica, France), on June 5th-9th, 2017.
Noise correlation or interferometry is an innovative technique which allows, for examples, to implement seismic images in the absence of seismic events (no earthquakes or explosions!): the structure of complex media is evaluated by measuring just the background signal (the "ambient noise") in the media themselves. The ESRs become familiar with the state of the art in this field of research, which has a broad range of multi-disciplinary applications.
The goal of this summer school is to gather young scientists (graduate students, post-docs) and senior scientists working in the field of ambient noise imaging through a multidisciplinary approach including geophysics, underwater acoustics, ultrasonics and wave physics in general.
The school is supported by CNRS, the European Marie Curie Initial Training Network « Waves », the European Cooperation in Science and Technology action « Tides », and the University Grenoble-Alpes.
A series of classes have been given by the invited lecturers and time was scheduled for presentation of the attendants (poster and oral communications).
You can find here the Agenda
ESRs posters:
ESR 1.2: Christian Reinicke: poster on Elastodynamic Marchenko Imaging
ESR 1.3: Eva Dokter: poster on Velocity analysis of Primaries-only Seismic Reflection Data
ESR 2.3: Alyssa Crippen: poster on Real-time Failure Forecasting in Triaxially Stressed Sandstones
Also in the section
Key Facts
- Coordinated by Université Pierre et Marie Curie
- 15 participating partners
- 6 European countries and the USA
- 15 trained fellows
- Project budget: 3 227 952.96€
- Project duration: 4 years
- WAVES is a European project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Slodowska-Curie grant agreement n° 641943.
Lapo Boschi (lapo.boschi @
Project Manager
Fanny Schultz (fanny.schultz @