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Waves and Wave-Based Imaging in Virtual and experimental Environments

Posters, Abstracts & Presentations

EGU in Vienna 17-22/04/2016

ESR3.3: Gil Averbuch: presentation on Infrasound analysis using Fisher detector and Hough transform.


EAGE in Vienna 30/05 - 02/06/2016

ESR 1.2-Christian Reinicke: poster presentation on "Seismic Blending and Deblending in 3D"

ESR 1-a Patrick Elison: presentation on "Using a Marchenko-redatumed reflection response as an exact boundary condition" on Thursday, June 2nd at 9:20am.

ESR 2-b Theodor Becker: presentation on "Anisotropic Velocity Model Calibration in Surface Monitoring Using Microseismic Events - A Case Study” on Thursday, June 2nd at 10:30am.


Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), International Exposition and 86th Annual Meeting, Dallas, 16-21/10/2016

ESR 1-a Patrick Elison: oral presentation on "Experimental Marchenko focusing in a variable diameter sound wave tube"


ASA - 5th Joint Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and Acoustical Society of Japan, Honolulu Hawaii, 28/11-2/12/2016

ESR 3.1: Johannes AICHELE: poster on "Shear wave elastrography reveals dispersion regimes in porous materials"

ESR 3.2: Michael REINWALD: talk on Numerical simulations of sound source localization with two-dimensional bio-inspired antennas of varying geometric complexities and poster on Skull-shaped antenna enables near-field super-resolution in acoustic source localization using elastic waves.


EAGE - 79th European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers Conference & Exhibition 2017, Paris, 12-15/06/2017

ESR 1.2: Christian Reinicke: presentation on Elastodynamic single-sided homogeneous
Green’s function representation: Theory and examples

ESR 1.3: Eva Dokter: abstract and presentation on Velocity Analysis Using Surface-Seismic Primaries-Only Data Obtained Without Removing Multiples

ESR 2.1: Tianci Cui: abstract and poster on Marchenko redatuming of the hDVS signal

ESR 2.2: Ivan KARPOV: abstract on Acoustic response of thin cylindrical structures piercing horizontally stratified media

ESR 3.5: Bence Solymosi: abstract on Comparing Spectral-element Numerical Results with Laboratory Data - An Example for a Topographical Model


ASA - Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Boston MA, 25-29/06/2017

ESR 1.1: Aida Hejazi Nooghabi: poster on Interferometric reconstruction of plate waves from cross correlation of diffuse field on a thin aluminum plate

ESR 2.a: Nele Boersing: poster on Reflection coefficient measurement using a finite-difference injection technique (1pUWc12)

ESR 2.b: Theodor Becker: poster on Physical Implementation of Immersive Boundary Conditions in 1D


Traductions :

    Key Facts

    • Coordinated by Université Pierre et Marie Curie
    • 15 participating partners
    • 6 European countries and the USA
    • 15 trained fellows
    • Project budget: 3 227 952.96€
    • Project duration: 4 years
    • WAVES is a European project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Slodowska-Curie grant agreement n° 641943.



    Lapo Boschi (lapo.boschi @ upmc.fr)


    Project Manager

    Fanny Schultz (fanny.schultz @ sorbonne-universite.fr)