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Waves and Wave-Based Imaging in Virtual and experimental Environments
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All News - Waves Project

    • Short-course by TU Delft - Advanced geophysical imaging in complex media

      This first WAVES short-course was held in Delft in September 2016 (6-16), just after the 2nd WAVES Workshop. The fellows learn in a systematic way how to use unified reciprocity theorems to derive seismic methods, such as imaging, multiple elimination, interferometry, time-reversal, etc.

    • Workshop 2: Advances in imaging

      The 2nd Workshop 'Advances in imaging' has been slightly postponed to September 2016 and was organized in Delft by TU Delft together with INSERM.

    • Workshop 1: Highland Retreat

      This 1st Workshop has been held in Pitlochry, Scotland, on 17-21 September 2015.

    • Workshop 4 - Passive Imaging and monitoring in wave physics: from seismology to ultrasound

      Workshop 4 “Passive Imaging and monitoring in wave physics: from seismology to ultrasound”, organized by CNRS, was held in Cargèse (Corsica, France), on June 5th-9th, 2017.
      Noise correlation or interferometry is an innovative technique which allows, for examples, to implement seismic images in the absence of seismic events (no earthquakes or explosions!): the structure of complex media is evaluated...

    • 3 short-courses in Marseille (n°6/7/11)

      3 short-courses in Marseille
      The combination of theory and laboratory is ​one of the main strengths of the WAVES training program: the combination of courses 6 and 7 allowed all ESRs to develop an advanced competence in both aspects of research. Course 11 deals with a new approach to data analysis, relevant both for research and dissemination. "Sonification" is a set of techniques to...

    • Short-courses by INSERM, NTNU & TU Delft

      Three short courses will be combined within this week for time and travel efficiency. The following topics will be addressed: Medical imaging and therapeutic application of ultrasounds (INSERM), Seismic marine acquisition and processing (NTNU) & Seismo-acoustic waves in the earth, oceans and atmosphere (DUT)

    • Arts & Culture: Hearing Earth’s Creaks

      An interesting article on the work of WAVES partner Ben Holtzman on sonification of seismic data. An innovative approach to data display, data mining and dissemination that is also an important component of WAVES: http://physics.aps.org/articles/v9/146

    • Workshop 5 - Wave propagation laboratory experimentation and 3D printing

      This workshop has been held at the ETH in Zürich on February, 5-7th, 2018. 
      It focused on wave propagation laboratory experimentation and control using metamaterials and novel boundary conditions. Topics presented ranged from: “methods to obtain the impulse response of acoustic metamaterial samples of finite extent” to “shaping the flow of waves with metamaterials: models and experiments” and “exact...

    • WAVES Kick-off meeting

      WAVES Kick-off meeting, 4th – 5th February 2015, Paris

    • WAVES Mid-Term meeting

      WAVES Mid-Term Meeting
      December 2nd, 2016
      Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6
      Tour Zamansky – 24th Floor, Room 2400
      The purpose of this meeting is to assess the fulfillment of all aspects (scientific, research training, management, etc) of the project described in Annex 1 of the Grant Agreement. The structure of the network and the work plan will be reviewed.  Particular attention will be...

    • Workshop 3 - Industrial Perspective

      The 3rd WAVES Workshop (26-29/03/2017, Cambridge, UK) trained the participants on research in the industry, including career development skills (management, entrepreneuship, IPR issues etc.), as well as science themes that are particularly relevant to industrial applictions, e.g. large-scale data acquisition, geophysical imaging of industrial datasets, time-lapse reservoir characterization, seismic...

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